October 28, 2021
CONTACT: Gwennan Booth – Communications Manager, NYS Laborers’ LECET
Statement from Patrick Purcell, Executive Director, New York State Laborers’ LECET:
As a vote on the infrastructure bill finally appears to be imminent following weeks of stagnation and inaction, we once again urge our elected officials to think of the hardworking men and women who will directly benefit from its passage.
We once again urge you to remember that by saying yes to this legislation, you’re saying YES to good-paying jobs that will allow people to put food on the table. You’re saying YES to safer roads and bridges that will be traveled for generations to come. You’re saying YES, you support the hardworking men and women you promised you’d fight for, and whose best interests you promised to represent.
Now is the time where the rubber meets the road and those promises become action.
Do not let us down.
Allowing this one-in-a-lifetime legislation to die would be to spit directly in the face of the American people – believe me when I say your constituents know this.
To the New York State members of the Progressive Caucus: your action (or inaction) here determines the future of our state. Do not take that responsibility lightly. I assure you, the 40,000 members of the New York State Laborers Union whose very livelihoods depend on this legislation expect 100% of our New York State delegation to vote in favor today.
Stop holding New Yorkers’ futures hostage and PASS THE INFRASTRUCTURE BILL TODAY.